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01452 525872

Primary QuEST Multi-Academy Trust

Flourishing together through LIFE

PQ Poetry

For the first time, all pupils in Primary QuEST had the opportunity to take part in a poetry recital competition. Each year group finalist was invited to Hartpury College to perform their poem choice in front of an audience. The pupils performed so well on the night and were cheered on by family and friends. A big thank you to the pupils who worked so hard to learn the poems, parents and carers for supporting them and the team of PQ staff who were present at the event to make it run so smoothly. 

Finally, a big thank you to Miss Coldrick for organising the poems and communications regarding the event and Hartpury College for the use of the lecture theatre - it made for a wonderful event.

Here is Sophie performing her poem - Please Mrs Butler

Here are a few of the pupils who took part