c/o Wetherleigh Drive, Highnam, Gloucester, GL2 8LW

01452 525872

Primary QuEST Multi-Academy Trust

Flourishing together through LIFE

Welcome to the Primary QuEST Multi-Academy Trust.


The Primary QuEST Multi-Academy Trust incorporates the five schools of Ann Cam, Hartpury, Highnam, Redmarley and Staunton & Corse Primary. The schools are situated in beautiful villages north of the city of Gloucester.

Whilst all the schools gain expertise by work closely together, each school is unique with its own particular character and charm, Our schools achieve high academic standards through the provision of an exciting and engaging curriculum that makes the most of our rich local surroundings. We offer a caring and nurturing environment, with dedicated staff who strive to meet the needs of every pupil. A culture of collaboration and teamwork is fostered amongst staff to ensure we are happy and vibrant places to work and learn. By working together, our schools can achieve more for our pupils than by working alone. We learn together, support each other, share our expertise and ensure we are always current, ready to offer the very highest standards of teaching and provide exceptional learning opportunities for all our children.

The schools within our Multi-Academy Trust are vibrant and exciting places to work in. Collaboration is a strong part of our ethos and the family-centred approach to our schools enables us to know every child and build strong relationships with each family. All Academies have excellent reputations built on high standards and a caring ethos, but we are always looking for ways to improve so that we meet the challenges of preparing children for the future.

We maintain excellent links with other primary schools in the area through the Tewkesbury District Partnership and with a variety of local secondary schools. We strive to ensure our pupils enjoy learning together, have the opportunities to flourish, all provided in a caring community.

If you would like to see any of the Primary QuEST schools in action we would be delighted to show you around so you can meet our wonderful pupils and staff.


Flourishing together through LIFE

Stephen Dean


Primary QUEST Multi-Academy Trust