c/o Wetherleigh Drive, Highnam, Gloucester, GL2 8LW

01452 525872

Primary QuEST Multi-Academy Trust

Flourishing together through LIFE

"We had a great afternoon playing tag rugby and got better the more games we played. We had some great support from our parents and we even got to take away the winners' trophy!

Pupil Events

Over the academic year we provide Primary QuEST pupils the opportunities to meet up and learn together. We held a poignant Remembrance event, a swimming gala, PE festival at Hartpury University, Maths 24 challenge, outdoor learning adventure day and many other events.

Here are some of the highlights and what our pupils say about the events... 

"I really enjoyed being part of the Make 24 Challenge. The winning team came from Redmarley and they did so well!" Max, Year 6

Excitedly, we hold a Year 4 Primary QuEST residential. Pupils from Ann Cam, Hartpury, Highnam Redmarley and Staunton and Corse joined together at Viney Hill in the Forest of Dean. Whilst together the pupils enjoyed a wide variety of activities including: crate stacking, tunnelling, archery, orienteering, bushcraft, a night walk and campfire. It was great to see friendships across the Trust develop for pupils and staff!

Wonderful memories from our Wilderness Adventure