c/o Wetherleigh Drive, Highnam, Gloucester, GL2 8LW

01452 525872

Primary QuEST Multi-Academy Trust

Flourishing together through LIFE

PQ Garden at the RHS Malvern Spring Show

This year, the four schools in Primary QuEST: Hartpury, Highnam, Redmarley and Staunton and Corse joined together to create a beautiful garden for the RHS Malvern Spring Show. We were delighted to be awarded the top category by the judges of 'highly commended'. 

The theme this year was called the 'Celebration of the Queen'. Pupils were challenged to take inspiration from Her Majesty The Queen and her reign. The Primary QuEST garden had four main elements which each school was responsible for:

Hartpury - The Corgis

Highnam - Windsor Castle

Redmarley - Landrover Defender

Staunton and Corse 'Bug'ingham Palace.

Each quadrant was planted with predominately white flowers. In the middle there were red painted pebbles decorated by the pupils of Redmarley Primary Academy. These made the red cross from the Saint George flag. Above the flag there was a crown.

We were delighted with how the garden turned out and were so fortunate to be working with our sponsor Trioscape Garden Centre who provided the flowers for the garden. A big thank you to Doug and the team.

Finally, a big thank you to all the pupils and staff who met the public at the garden and talked about the design and build process. 

As part of the judging process we submitted a video diary outlining the garden development

HRH Princess Anne visited our garden on Friday

Some of the build team finishing off the garden 

Chef, Raymond Blanc visited the garden on Thursday afternoon