c/o Wetherleigh Drive, Highnam, Gloucester, GL2 8LW

01452 525872

Primary QuEST Multi-Academy Trust

Flourishing together through LIFE


The Members, Trustees and Local Advisors provide governance support to the Multi-Academy Trust.


The Members of the Primary QuEST Multi Academy Trust are the subscribers to the trust’s memorandum of association. They have an overall view of the governance of the Primary QuEST Trust. Members can make amendments to the articles of association to support stronger arrangement in the governance. 


The composition of the Trust Board of Primary QuEST Trust brings together people who have the breadth of experience and range of skills relevant to the governance of our multi-academy trust. This includes Foundation and non-Foundation trustees.

Each trustee contributes to a sub committee focusing on the Curriculum and Standards or General Purposes, Audit and Finance.

Local Advisors

Each academy within the Trust has its own local advisory board made up of parent representatives, staff and co-opted members who focus on the quality of education, behaviour and personal development in their individual academies.

Executive Team

The Executive team is made up of the CEO and the headteachers. Our Chief Executive Officer and the other school leaders within the Primary QuEST Trust meet fortnightly to discuss overall strategy and review progress. Additional one to one meetings take place within each academy between Stephen Dean, CEO, and headteachers. This collaborative working ensures we can support and challenge each other, our teams and all members of our MAT community to bring about wider school improvement.