c/o Wetherleigh Drive, Highnam, Gloucester, GL2 8LW

01452 525872

Primary QuEST Multi-Academy Trust

Flourishing together through LIFE

Join Us

We are a growing trust and, through effective partnership working, we provide a robust local solution and sustainable future for our schools in Gloucestershire. We are committed to improving the learning and life chances of all of our pupils and supporting our staff throughout their careers.

We are an evolving and diverse organisation. We invite others to contribute to our development. We offer:

  • The opportunity for staff and pupils to be part of something bigger and engage in MAT-wide activities and events;
  • Collaborative leadership, strong partnerships and effective networking;
  • Career progression within and across our schools, including ECT support, high-quality continuing professional development, evidence-based research and leadership support;
  • Regular Primary QuEST joint staff meetings which include opportunities for moderation, across all of our academies and promotes the sharing of best practice;
  • A shared sense of purpose, high expectations and rigorous on-going cycle of self-improvement;
  • A strong Central Finance Team who provide administrative support including finance and facilities management.

We recognise the value in learning together and challenging each other. We are ambitious for our children and our schools. Our shared vision and values encourages us to work together, grow together and share LIFE.

Our Executive Team shares a wealth of expertise and is experienced in the leadership and management of academies. We have developed, and continue to develop, our model for school improvement which is focussed on creating a collaborative pedagogical model and has a transformational effect on children’s life chances within very quick timescales.

We have the privilege of being an integral part of our local communities. We pride ourselves in meeting the needs of all children in our care, including those who are most vulnerable or indeed challenging. These groups of pupils are a priority to us and we work closely with parents/carers in helping to raise their children’s self-esteem, resilience and subsequent achievement and attainment.

What makes Primary QuEST Distinctive?

Primary QuEST Multi Academy Trust has a clear set of principles in which we believe and in which all levels of leadership adhere to. These principles outline what we believe in as a Trust, what makes us distinctive and what our families and visitors see when they enter a Primary QuEST setting.

 These distinctive principles are:

  • Centre of each local community
  • Focusing on the whole child as well as academic outcomes.
  • The positive culture of our academies.
  • Prioritising health and well-being for all.
  • Valuing the contribution of everyone across the Trust.
  • Respect for all.
  • Enrichment opportunities for pupils to bring the curriculum to life.
  • Inclusion and equality of opportunity for all and celebrating diversity.
  • Continuing Professional Development and dialogue as a key driver for academy improvement.
  • Best practice in financial matters.
  • Safe, secure and well-maintained buildings for all our workers and families.

A shared belief that everyone can achieve, no matter what their circumstances or starting points

Our governance structure is designed to meet the requirements of all academies. Our Scheme of Delegation gives more detail of the responsibilities of our Members, Trustees, Executive team and our Local Advisory Boards.

We understand that schools expressing an interest in joining Primary QuEST will want to find out more about us and we are open to informal conversations. 

Please contact Stephen Dean, Chief Executive Officer ceo@primaryquest.co.uk or Mr Pumfrey, Chair of the Trust Board, to learn more about how you can become a part of our journey.